示范中心指导学生发表论文 |
论文题目 | 成员 | 发表刊物或学术会议名称 | 收录情况 | 发表、录用或授权日期 | 卷(期) | 起止页码 |
基于电容-电阻转换原理的柔性压力传感器 | 06019333刘秋雨,06019315叶秉泽,06019332王梓菡,04019308柳星雨,06019331侯郑龙,101011076聂萌 | 《测控技术》 | 其他期刊 | 6/18/2022 9:31:40 AM | 2022年6月第41卷第六期 | P10~P14&P45 |
A cross-shaped vertical vacuum channel transistor | 06018517靳钊,101004985朱卓娅,谢意,101004298雷威 | 2022 5th International Conference on Consumer Electronics and Devices (ICCED 2022) | EI(工程索引) | 4/29/2022 3:28:29 AM | | |
Highly efficient and ultrabroadband silicon nitride bilayer grating coupler for nonlinear photonics | 06019127杨航宇,06019133冯效贤,06019130陈雨奇,06019143彭志福,101012879林曈,101010814恽斌峰,101010580胡国华,101000989崔一平 | Nanophotonics, Micro/Nano Optics, and Plasmonics VIII | EI(工程索引) | 8/2/2022 5:35:51 AM | | |
Ultra-broadband and highly efficient silicon nitride bi-layer grating couplers | 101012879林曈,06019127杨航宇,Liu Li,101010814恽斌峰,101010580胡国华,李少波(Shaobo Li),于文奇(Wenqi Yu),马向(Xiang Ma),梁晓东(Xiaodong Liang),101000989崔一平 | Optics Communications | SCI(科学引文索引) | 12/19/2022 4:06:28 AM | S0030-4018(22)00856-2 | 129209 |
An Improved Convolutional LSTM Network with Directional Convolution Layer for Prediction of Water Quality with Spatial Information | 09019310赵子奇,61519403耿雨欣,101011193倪庆剑 | Advances in Swarm Intelligence - 13th International Conference,ICSI 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 7/17/2022 7:09:37 AM | v 13345 | p94-105 |
Can Label-Specific Feature Help Partial-Label Learning? | 09019208董若菁,230208188杭均一,101013166魏通,101011370张敏灵 | Thirty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-23) | 其他期刊 | 11/19/2022 9:21:49 AM | | |
A Difference Standardization Method for Mutual Transfer Learning | 09118120徐浩卿,101012426王萌,101012413王贝伦 | The 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2022) | CPCI(国际会议录索引) | 7/23/2022 6:44:26 AM | v162 | p24683-24697 |
Universal Video Style Transfer via Crystallization, Separation, and Blending | 09019212卢昊飞,Zhizhong Wang | Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-22) | EI(工程索引) | 7/29/2022 6:54:05 AM | 无 | p4957-4965 |
Generating Dynamic Urban Traffic Based on Stochastic Origin-Destination Matrix | 58119317王之畅,张彬杰,Nu Xia,101012059金嘉晖 | Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design | EI(工程索引) | 5/6/2022 7:07:26 AM | 无 | p570-575 |
MetaSync: Relaxing Synchronization Frequency in Distributed Urban Traffic Simulation | 58119122朱浩嘉,101012059金嘉晖 | Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design | EI(工程索引) | 5/6/2022 7:09:26 AM | 无 | p855-860 |
Emotional State Analysis Model of Humanoid Robot in Human-Computer Interaction Process | 09019217彭博欣 | Journal of Robotics | SCI(科学引文索引) | 5/6/2022 7:13:22 AM | v2022 | p1-6 |
Learn from Teachers: A Teacher Learner Yoga Pose Classification and Scoring Network | 58119211沈小力 | CIBDA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Information and Big Data Applications | EI(工程索引) | 3/27/2022 7:22:58 AM | 无 | p 603-607 |
Extended ADMM with Paillier Cryptosystem for Nonsmooth Decentralized Optimization | 57119402王陆晴,101012641时欣利,230208656郭璐瑶,57119324余麟骁,57119322张洋铭 | 中国指挥与控制学会会议投稿系统 | EI(工程索引) | 12/19/2021 7:13:43 AM | | |
IPv6过渡选择-IPv6部署状态报告(四) | 101011346杨望,205302王雪晨,57118141孙阳 | 中国教育网络 | 其他期刊 | 9/1/2021 1:42:22 AM | 9月刊 | 32-33 |
A Heartbeat detection method based on Discrete Fourier Transform | 57118137朱旭 | 第四届电子工程与信息学国际学术会议暨通讯与网络论坛(EEI-CN 2022) | EI(工程索引) | 6/27/2022 9:39:27 AM | | |
The Effect of Mandatory Quarantine under the COVID-19 Pandemic | 61519203张婉玥,张菀清,卓兰 | 2022 International Conference on Biotechnology, Life Science and Medical Engineering (BLSME 2022) | CPCI(国际会议录索引) | 1/22/2022 3:29:25 AM | CSP《Lecture Notes in Medicine and Life Sciences》ISSN:2617-1171. Vol.5 DOI: 10.23977/blsme.2022067 | 545-550 |
GBMTab: A Graph-Based Method for Interpreting Noisy Semantic Table to Knowledge Graph | 205215杨联政,61518218沈书杨,71117205丁婧伊,101012059金嘉晖 | CEUR-WS | EI(工程索引) | 3/9/2022 7:04:12 AM | 3103 | 32-41 |
Outage-Constrained Transceiver Power Loading: A Deep Learning Approach to Robust Massive MIMO Downlink | 61519202李云迪,61519133卢冠行,04019401周华鹏,王亚飞 | IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 8/23/2022 4:00:00 PM | 10.1109/BlackSeaCom54372.2022.9858205 | 197-201 |
A Radius-tapered Algorithm for Indoor Positioning System | 61519515闵可,101011540徐建,04016236吴昌隆 | 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Big Data and Algorithms, EEBDA 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 5/5/2022 2:39:00 AM | 1 of 1 | 770-773 |
Application of microchips for various targets detection | 61519221赵文韬,陈柯霏,田谨齐 | 2021 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation (IAECST) | CPCI(国际会议录索引) | 2/7/2022 1:53:36 AM | 2021 3rd International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation (IAECST) | 1545-1550 |
Low-cost, Light-weight Scalable Soft Data Glove for VR Applications | 61519107李文倩,06019116夏伊尔,段升顺,雷威,101011877吴俊 | ICCED 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 6/23/2022 5:56:29 AM | INSPEC Accession Number: 21817764 | 202-205 |
具有线-圆极化转换功能的波束偏折编码超表面 | 61519102徐甜甜,61519104曹硕,04019616杨瑞,61519107李文倩 | 2022年全国微波毫米波会议 | 其他期刊 | 8/12/2022 3:31:26 AM | 2022年全国微波毫米波会议论文集(下册) | P996-998 |
Current treatments after spinal cord injury: Cell engineering, tissue engineering, and combined therapies | 61520422沈楹博,曹馨月,卢敏慧,101012195顾洪成,101010274李敏俐,David A. Posner | Smart Medicine | SCI(科学引文索引) | 10/20/2022 3:31:09 AM | | |
Intelligent Regulation and Testing of Information Metamaterials | 61520106冯紫瑞,61520116李勇超,61520114高原,101300134马骞 | DSInS 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 4/4/2023 10:37:43 AM | 125992A (3 April 2023) | 125992A-1-5 |
Dynamic Network Embedding via Temporal Path Adjacency Matrix Factorization | 61519409李卓明,101011499赖大荣 | CIKM 2022 - Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management | EI(工程索引) | 10/17/2022 1:28:28 PM | | 1219-1228 |
A wireless human pose detection method based on digital twin and inertial sensor | 04019305郑怀瑾 | CISSE | EI(工程索引) | 12/10/2021 2:49:31 AM | DOI: 10.1109/IAECST54258.2021.9695613; | p24-28 |
一种微波双功能超表面 | 04019601李昊宸,04019605滕文俊,04019603杨嘉畅,04019629顾子健 | 2022年全国微波毫米波会议 | 其他期刊 | 4/20/2022 2:42:19 AM | | |
Resource Allocation for URLLC Service in Relay-Assisted Smart Grid System | 04019612任晏清,黄红兵,101011744王俊波,邱兰馨,101010871张华,章毅 | 2022 the 2nd International Conference on Information Communication and Software Engineering | EI(工程索引) | 2/25/2022 11:04:33 AM | | |
Joint Optimization of Transmission and Computing Resource in IRS-Assisted Mobile Edge Computing System | 04018602王冰珊,Rui Liu,Yang Li,丁昌峰,101011744王俊波,101010871张华 | Wireless Communications and Networking Conference | EI(工程索引) | 2/11/2022 2:34:50 PM | | |
A metamaterial based microfluidic sensor for permittivity detection of liquid | 04019514邱志开,04019508夏雨,04019208王柏匀,花宇杰,李威汉 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | SCI(科学引文索引) | 8/25/2022 2:09:41 AM | 55 | 435001 |
Deep Reinforcement Learning for RIS-Aided Multiuser MISO System with Hardware Impairments | 04020111马文洁,04020620卓刘畅,04020119李卢初,04020127刘宇浩 | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | SCI(科学引文索引) | 7/18/2022 5:23:06 AM | 12(14) | 1-14 |
An SBR Based Ray Tracing Channel Modeling Method for THz and Massive MIMO Communications | 04020401王元哲,04020701曹昊,04020722金逸凡,04019515周子哲,王樱华,黄佳玲,李玉箫,101012829黄杰,101012381王承祥 | 2022 VTC-Fall | EI(工程索引) | 8/18/2022 11:43:56 AM | | |
A Frequency-scanning Millimeter Wave Antenna Based on Phase Transforming of Slow-Wave Fin-line | 04020716王坤,04020115孙叶展,04020521高祥麟,张遒逸,101012159李顺礼 | 2022亚太天线与传播会议 | EI(工程索引) | 8/5/2022 7:04:08 AM | 2022亚太天线与传播会议 | 375号 |
Image Method Based Ray Tracing for IIoT and Mobility Scenarios | 04020301廖天一,04020101翟天奕,61520228张浩天,04019217李睿佳,黄佳玲,李玉箫,王樱华 | IEEE VTC-2022 Fall | CPCI(国际会议录索引) | 8/29/2022 3:41:45 PM | | |
An Efficient Visible Light Positioning and Rotation Estimation System Using Two LEDs and a Photodiode Array | 04020412龚勇斌,04020122杨靖,04020535缪迪,04020510杨雨铮,04020631韩子一,04020718李京瑞,101012567朱秉诚,101012508方兰婷,陈亮 | IEEE WCNC 2023 | EI(工程索引) | 12/10/2022 2:20:00 AM | | |
Joint Precoding of eMBB and URLLC services in MISO System | 04019503张仕卓,曾成,101011744王俊波,101010871张华,Baoyin Bian,Yehua Zhang,Lang Li,Jing Jiang | 2022 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC) | EI(工程索引) | 8/15/2022 1:40:53 AM | 9 | 1-6 |
Energy-Efficient Precoding Design for Downlink IRS-Assisted URLLC System | 04018624徐百平, Hongbin Huang,101011744王俊波, Lanxin Qiu,101010871张华,Yi Zhang | 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Information Communication and Software Engineering (ICICSE) | EI(工程索引) | 7/18/2022 3:08:10 AM | 10.1109/ICICSE55337.2022.9828868 | 141-145 |
Design of Liquid Level Sensor based on Spoof Surface Plasmons | 04019408王莞竹,04020410高知临,04019409韦雅淇,04019407高子涵,101012889张璇如 | 2022 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES-China) Symposium | EI(工程索引) | 5/21/2022 9:22:47 AM | | |
List Ordered Statistics Decoders for Polar Codes | 04019715李宗尧,04018611张乐宇,申怡飞,Andreas Burg,101000724尤肖虎,101011728张川 | Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers | EI(工程索引) | 8/6/2022 8:39:56 AM | | |
Influence of Housings on the Ultra-Wideband Three-Axis Orthogonal Dipole Antennas | 04019106周程,04019329曹琪,04019124胡佳雄,229298马浩岩,101010740赵洪新 | ICMMT2022 | EI(工程索引) | 4/20/2022 11:17:09 AM | | |
基于图像高频增强的塑料齿轮黑点缺陷高精度检测方法 | 22019121付泓豪,08119126张岱凌,江澜,陈洪芳 | 工具技术 | 北大中文核心期刊 | 5/13/2022 1:24:39 PM | | |
导航目标图像实时识别研究 | 22018214万灏杨 | 中国科技论文在线 | 其他期刊 | 7/6/2022 10:05:14 AM | | |
Research on operation strategy of catering industry under the COVID-19 epidemic -- Taking Haidilao as an example | 22020119马林泽 | 2022 3rd International Conference on Big Data Economy and Information Management (BDEIM 2022) | CPCI(国际会议录索引) | 11/4/2022 5:04:46 AM | | |
引力波探测中的噪声抑制技术综述 | 22018113王坦,何思译,101012298徐佳文 | 天文学进展 | 北大中文核心期刊 | 4/1/2022 9:21:43 AM | 第31卷,第4期 | 1-19 |
Recursive Least Squares Based Refinement Network for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction | 22019324李晟屹,薛启凡,史栋峰,101011999李煊鹏,101001418张为公 | MDPI Electronics 2022 2 , Volume 11, Issue 12, 1859 | SCI(科学引文索引) | 1/31/2022 4:00:00 PM | Electronics 2022 2 , Volume 11, Issue 12, 1859 | 该期刊不分页 |
基于模糊神经网络的纯电动汽车制动能量回收研究 | 08019316朱隽磊 | 汽车博览 | 其他期刊 | 4/3/2022 6:30:38 AM | 4 | 100~103 |
A Plausibility Enhanced Data Augmentation Method for 3D Human Pose Estimation | 08119128王一丁,08019311李佳铭,08019126齐睿康,101012124王辰星 | The 5th Chinese Conference on Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, PRCV 2022 | EI(工程索引) | 9/17/2022 4:53:27 AM | | |
A Training Model of Wargaming Based on Imitation Learning and Deep Reinforcement Learning | 08019118吴康宇,刘明宇,崔鹏,101011382张亚 | CISC2022 | EI(工程索引) | 9/27/2022 1:11:09 PM | 1 | 786–795 |
生物航油的制备与应用发展前景 | 03018202陈佳慧,03319701王斐菲,03019308张乃丽,03019405姜思睿,03019305王萌萌 | 能源研究与利用 | 其他期刊 | 8/25/2021 11:08:59 AM | | |
智能电网发展现状及应用 | 16017401周昕芸,16018432王嫣琳 | 数码设计 | / | 4/1/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
建筑物内电子电气设备的防雷设计 | 16018301李沅 | 当代电力文化 | / | | | |
RGAN: Rethinking generative adversarial networks for cloud removal | 16018510冉新宇,葛亮,张晓峰 | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | SCI(科学引文索引) | 7/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Study on Tourism Economic Ecology of Provincal Capital Cities along the Silk Road | 16018509关程元 | Urban Transportation and Construction | 其他期刊 | 9/1/2021 9:24:51 AM | | |
电子线路设计抗干扰技术分析 | 06017215孔令坤 | 当代电力文化 | / | | | |
Phase flicker minimisation for crosstalk suppression in optical switches based on digital liquid crystal on silicon devices | 聂杰文,06018211董霖宇,06018235童晓闻,06018232徐轶凡,06018233林惟环 | Optics Express | SCI(科学引文索引) | 3/19/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
《基于熔融沉积成型3D打印工艺的三维电子电路混合增材制造技术》 | 06018428邓李硕,06018510刘森,06018405刘佳琪,06018401叶鸣风 | 电磁窗技术 | / | 6/22/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
A Passive, Skin-Attachable Multi-Sensing Patch Based on Semi-Liquid Alloy Ni-GaIn for Wireless Epidermal Signal Monitoring and Body Motion Capturing | 06018113林世鹏,06018128方纪明,06018114叶天辰,陶妍,段升顺,101011877吴俊 | electronics | SCI(科学引文索引) | 11/13/2021 10:47:38 AM | Volume 10, Issue 22 | 2778 |
Core–shell Ag@TiO2 Nanowire Network based Volatile Threshold Resistive Switching Device | 06018223徐泽瑞,翁正进,06018226吉天义,06018214徐郅朋,赵若宇,101010947赵志伟 | 2021 ICCED | EI(工程索引) | 3/26/2021 1:34:46 AM | 9464182 | 108-112 |
基于柔性衬底的双端固支梁RF MEMS开关相位特性研究 | 06018221隋东辰,陈立军 | 传感技术学报 | 北大中文核心期刊 | 7/31/2021 11:11:17 AM | 34(7) | 853-858 |
Modeling and simulation of 3D random nanowire network based on modified kd-tree algorithm | 06018226吉天义,赵若宇,翁正进,06018223徐泽瑞,06018214徐郅朋,101010947赵志伟 | 2021 4th International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Simulation (ICCSS2021) | EI(工程索引) | 5/26/2021 1:16:32 PM | 9464182 | p67-71 |
Poetic Expression Through Scenery: Sentimental Chinese Classical Poetry Generation from Images | 09118111李浩天,09118108朱佳涛,09118113曹思辰,09118124李翔宇,09118109曾家俊 | DASFAA 2021 | / | 4/1/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Demixed Sparse Principal Component Analysis Through Hybrid Structural Regularizers | 09118102张妍,09118120徐浩卿 | IEEE ACCESS | SCI(科学引文索引) | 7/20/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Fast and Privacy-preserving Federated Joint Estimator of Multi-sUGMs | 09118104谈笑,58119314马添毅,58119209苏彤彤 | IEEE Access | SCI(科学引文索引) | 7/26/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Cascade and Fusion: A Deep Learning Approach for Camouflaged Object Sensing | 09018316黄开鸿,09118116李春澍,71116140张嘉琦 | Sensor | SCI(科学引文索引) | 9/30/2021 2:30:53 AM | 21(16) | 5455(1-18) |
Fake Calligraphy Recognition Based on Deep Learning | 09018214刘俊杰,09018212刘尧畅,06018121王培韧,61518202许若彤,61518201马文萱 | Artificial Intelligence and Security - 7th International Conference | EI(工程索引) | 7/31/2021 2:57:38 AM | 无 | 585-596 |
Fast Ship Tracking Algorithm for Remote Sensing Video Based on Background Data Mining And Adaptive Selection | 09118215薛翔天,都昌平 | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronic Technology | 其他期刊 | 8/27/2021 3:36:13 AM | 无 | 345-351 |
基于改进YOLOv3的输电线路缺陷识别方法 | 61518409陈嘉琛,16018415俞曜辰,101010879陈中,韩卫 | 南方电网技术 | / | 1/20/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
一种邮局用智能电子计价装置的设计 | 61518330周宇阳 | 电子测试 | / | 12/1/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
Distributed Constrained Online Optimization with Noisy Communication | 61518309羊宇培,09018402宋一凡,101012100杨绍富 | 2021 11th International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) | / | 6/3/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Pinning synchronization of coupled oscillators with paired topologies | 61518428张淼森,101012395吕跃祖,Wang Qishao,101011688温广辉,101010821刘国华,101012304许文盈 | Journal of Systems Science & Complexity | SCI(科学引文索引) | | | |
基于单片机的心率监测和分析系统设计 | 61518330周宇阳,61518328酒衷豪 | 无线互联科技 | / | 2/1/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Influence of ligand and impurities on optical properties of carbon dots: Narrow linewidth and controllable UV-Vis spectrum | 101011740徐淑宏,61518119谭淋丰,刘樊,101000989崔一平,邵海宝,101011117王春雷,张荣 | Chemical Physics Letters | SCI(科学引文索引) | 3/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
《Research on the lower bound of load aggregation control based on CUCB-Avg algorithm》 | 61518217高奕辰,61518404汤景然,213109朱彤,205570吕鹏程,152198赵原 | iSPEC 2021 | / | 12/24/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Parameter Identification of HVDC Transmission System Model Based on Intelligent Optimization Algorithm | 61519308张静,16019309宋嘉雯,22019112苏畅,胡健雄,101012183王琦 | IEEE-CYBER 2021 | EI(工程索引) | 7/29/2021 12:03:12 PM | | |
Research of resource allocation methods based on FFR in cellular network | 杜俊霆,高子俊,61519514万一兆 | 2021 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Technology(SPCT 2021) | EI(工程索引) | 12/26/2021 5:38:47 AM | 12178 | 121781F-1至121781F-6 |
有限长序列线性相关的快速算法研究 | 61518116刘志君,101011393戚晨皓 | 电气电子教学学报 | 其他期刊 | 10/15/2021 6:45:59 AM | 5 | 120-122+126 |
Alternating Iteration Algorithm for Rectangular Waveguide Based Permittivity Measurement | 61518423姚嘉铖,61518303王昕琰,61518310花雨童,61518415黄凯,101011575张彦 | 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS) | EI(工程索引) | 5/23/2021 7:49:54 AM | 2021.5.23-26 | pp. 1-3 |
Consensus of Linear MIMO Multi-Agent Systems: Appointed-time Reduced-order Observer-based Protocols | 04018304刘天祺,02018515刘孟泉,101011688温广辉,101012395吕跃祖,101012232付俊杰 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | SCI(科学引文索引) | 3/18/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
On Appointed-time Reduced-order Observer-based Consensus Protocol Design for Lipschitz Nonlinear Multi-agent Systems | 04018304刘天祺,61518428张淼森,101011688温广辉,101012395吕跃祖,101010821刘国华,101012232付俊杰 | the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS 2021) | / | 3/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Live Demonstration: A Cloud-Based Cell-Free Distributed Massive MIMO System | 101010785王东明,101011728张川,04017243冀贞昊,101010320杜永强,101010860赵嘉宁,101010895姜明,101000724尤肖虎 | ISCAS 2021 | / | | | |
PCCR Based Wheelchair Control System | 04017243冀贞昊,61517401田宇,王季夫,61517123丁明远,王浩鑫,08017314陈逸凡,08017311文嘉豪,61519114兰自桐,11118203徐绘婷,16017207钟蔓芩,申怡飞,周华羿,101004451况迎辉,101011728张川 | IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS MAGAZINE | SCI(科学引文索引) | | | |
The Faster Detection and Recognition of Traffic Signs based on CNN | 04018641王尉冉,王景瑜,周安亮 | IEEE智能系统与知识工程国际会议(ISKE 2019) | / | 11/14/2019 12:00:00 AM | | |
A VLC Positioning Algorithm with Transmit Lens and its Error Analysis | 04019611邓梓萌,04019127刘习鹏,04019524王毅,04019708蔡语轩,17121233王心雪 | 电子,信息与计算技术前沿国际会议(ICFEICT2021) | / | 5/15/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Smart Doppler Cloak Operating in Broad Band and Full Polarizations | 张信歌,孙雅伦,04017424于千,101011102程强,101011426蒋卫祥,仇成伟,101010072崔铁军 | Advanced Materials | SCI(科学引文索引) | 4/1/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
RIS辅助的多用户MISO下行链路能量效率和频谱效率的均衡 | 04018129张猛,04018302谭乐,04018301黄珂琳,101012130尤力 | 2021东南大学第十届大学生学术报告会 | / | 5/21/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
《On the Trade-Off between Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency in RIS-Aided Multi-User MISO Downlink》 | 04018129张猛,04018302谭乐,04018301黄珂琳,101012130尤力 | MDPI-《electronics》 | SCI(科学引文索引) | 5/30/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
A 2D Sensor Deployment Scheme Based on Centroid and Voronoi Blind Area | 04018130杨清元,04018132顾昊 | ICSIP 2021-Nanjing | / | 10/22/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
LSTM Network-Assisted Belief Propagation Flip Polar Decoder | 04018618孙玉泰,198389申怡飞,宋文清,61518327龚子豪,101000724尤肖虎,101011728张川 | 54th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers | / | 6/3/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Efficient Fast-SCAN Flip Decoder for Polar Codes | 04018611张乐宇,04018618孙玉泰,198389申怡飞,宋文清,101000724尤肖虎,101011728张川 | 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) | / | 4/27/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Design Of A 57-64GHz Sub-Harmonic Mixer With Planar Schottky Diodes | 徐子昂,04018126刘沐曦,101011569郭健 | IRMMW | / | 5/19/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Graph Theory based Resource Allocation Algorithm in Terahertz Communication Networks | 04018137王朝洋,101012013燕锋 | The 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks | / | 7/6/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Precoding Design for IRS-Assisted Full-Duplex Self-Backhauled Communications | 04018624徐百平,杨凡,101011744王俊波,101010871张华 | WCSP'21 | / | 10/21/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
Complicated Interference Identification via Machine Learning Methods | 04018730王韵旋,101012519黄岩,陈展野,樊书辰,刘志凌,许华健 | 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology | EI(工程索引) | 8/24/2021 8:56:04 AM | 10.1109/ICEICT53123.2021.9531191 | 400-405 |
Selective Relaying Strategy for Vehicular Communication with Big-Vehicle Shadowing | 04017148赵永康,101012571徐晓莉,高雨萌 | IEEE 93rd Vehicular Technology Conference | EI(工程索引) | 9/30/2021 1:16:42 AM | 57(21) | 31-35 |
IMPLEMENTATION OF A CRNN-BASED LOW-POWER KEYWORD RECOGNITION SYSTEM ON FPGA | 04019304林鹏旭,04019316郭力模,61519216郭雷,101011809刘波 | 2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on ASIC | EI(工程索引) | 8/25/2021 12:31:44 PM | | |
Sandbox: a novel algorithm for object recognition using millimeter wave radar | 04019117张清樾,04019627陈永清,04019725林先捷,04019330武宇轩,04019504陈雨暄,101012519黄岩 | CIE_RADAR_2021 | EI(工程索引) | 10/28/2021 8:34:28 AM | 28(2021) | 23 |
Multiuser joint downlink channel reconstruction based on spatial consistency | 04017539凌泰炀,韩瑜,04018104郑添月,04017531姚志伟,61517416季书鹏,101010945金石 | PhysicalCommunication | SCI(科学引文索引) | 5/28/2021 11:09:09 AM | 47(6) | 101387 |
基于改进卡尔曼滤波的大规模MIMO信道预测方法 | 04018104郑添月,04017539凌泰炀,04017531姚志伟,101011789王闻今,101011417李潇,101010945金石 | 无线电通信技术 | 北大中文核心期刊 | 4/12/2021 5:09:05 AM | 47(4) | 459-465 |
Foldable Wings Improve Energy Efficiency of Bio-Inspired Flapping-Wing Robot | 22019207宫逸,22018302仰宗平,22019117王思辰,22019408朱金涛,22019422黄天烁 | 2021 6th IEEE 2021 6th lEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics,ICARM 2021 | EI(工程索引) | 9/15/2020 11:11:17 AM | July 3,2021 | 430-435 |
Machine Learning Methods in Predicting Down Syndrome | 22018307余翊旻,颜雨祺,汪奕瀚 | 2021 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Communication, Network and Computer Technology (ECNCT 2021) | EI(工程索引) | 7/7/2021 3:14:36 AM | | |
Recognition of Weld Seam of Large Spherical Tank Based on Improved ROI Algorithm | 08018116于志鹏,08018207金婷,08018119张品轩,08018117徐子航,08018208柳萌萌 | 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Automation and Applications (ICAA) | EI(工程索引) | 6/27/2021 9:38:34 AM | 2 | 942-947 |
Occluded Animal Shape and Pose Estimation from a Single Color Image | 08018103谢艺明,08018112赵允琦,08018113蒋世戬,08018111胡江勇,101012296王雁刚 | The 11th International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG2021) | EI(工程索引) | 11/23/2021 10:34:49 AM | Part 2 | 423-433 |
A Broadband 90° Balun With Low-Phase-Imbalance Performance Based on Periodic Slow Wave Structure | 张乐鹏,张浩驰,101011671汤文轩,16018302邵辰子,合裴航,唐旻,毛军发,101010072崔铁军 | IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation | EI(工程索引) | 2/24/2021 12:39:47 PM | Volume: 69, Issue: 8; | 4681 - 4687 |
An intelligent ordering control system ... | 06017412孟子轩,06016224解康辉 | 2020 International Conference on High ... | | | | |
基于802.11帧的无线设备指纹生成方法 | 57117230刘玉洁,57117235李娜,57117204姚晓 | 网络空间安全 | | | | |
Beam-Domain Secret Key Generation for Multi-User Massive MIMO Networks | 57117228陈佑,101012245李古月,101012421孙晨,Junqing Zhang,Eduard Jorswieck,Bin Xiao | IEEE ICC 2020 | | | | |
RDCPF: A Redundancy-Based Duty-Cycling Pipelined-Forwarding MAC for Linear Sensor Networks | 57117233张铨炜,57117234李大中,57117132费越,57117134张家康,57118116陈煜 | Sensors | | 9/28/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
Critical fault diagnosis method | 61518409陈嘉琛 | ICCEE 2020 | | | | |
BIPARTITE BELIEF PROPAGATION(完整题目见论文) | 61518327龚子豪,198389申怡飞,180758季厚任,宋文清,101010669张在琛,101000724尤肖虎,101011728张川 | IEEE ICASSP | | | | |
多材料LCD光固化打印装置设计及分析 | 61517407张天择,101012068李霁 | 机电工程技术 | | | | |
Is OAM a better transmission method than MIMO Scheme? | 61517427刘李汉唐 | CCISP | | | | |
云环境下金融通信信息安全的加密技术研究 | 61517115操凡 | 中国新通信 | | | | |
S-EEGNet: Electroencephalogram Signal Classification Based on a Separable Convolution Neural Network With Bilinear Interpolation | 黄文恺,薛义豪,胡凌恺,61517427刘李汉唐 | IEEE ACCESS | | | | |
Short-Term Traffic Speed Prediction of Urban Road With Multi-Source Data | 61517332杨逊,袁钰,101011946刘志远 | IEEE Access | | | | |
SimNet: Simplified Deep Neural Networks for OFDM Channel Estimation | 61517222包绎成,61517220谭泽宇,61517218孙海峰,61517221江志康 | 2020 the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP 2020) | | | | |
Distributed Heavy-Ball Nash Equilibrium Seeking Algorithm in Aggregative Games | 61517413宋晨辉,61517312吴晨鹏,09017329张芳硕,14216129吕众涛,09017319李竞宇 | Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference | | | | |
An Analytical Model for the Many-to-One Demand Responsive Transit Systems | 黄迪,101007498童蔚苹,王路濛,61517332杨逊 | Sustainability | | | | |
A Satellite Handover Strategy Based on MIMO Technology in LEO Satellite Networks | 61517207俸朗,61517210刘一非,101011764吴亮,101010669张在琛,101011763党建 | IEEE Communications Letters | | 4/5/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
基于MIMIC算法和RPCA的混合蚁群优化算法 | 官娟,101100718刘国华,04018304刘天祺,秦健,61518428张淼森 | 南京信息工程大学学报 | SCI(科学引文索引) | 12/1/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
A Stratified Radome Design for Millimeter Wave Antennas | 61518405何文韬,61518308谢沁楠,190829刘春生,61518408丁强,101011575张彦 | 2020 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference | | 12/11/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
ORB-SLAM系统在AR领域的优势分析 | 22017308方锦浩,22017320韩旭龙,22017106卢一凡,22017311梁毅强 | 看世界 | | 10/19/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
Data Augmentation for Rare Acoustic Audios based on Generative Adversarial Network | 22017319林涵,22017327招梓枫 | The 14th International collaboration Symposium on Information, Production and Systems (ISIPS 2020) | | 11/12/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
An Octave Convolution Neural Network-based QRS Detector | 22017415刘威,王星尧,高鸿祥,101012723杨晨熙,李建清,101012277刘澄玉 | International Conference on Sensing, Measurement and Data Analytics in the era of Artificial Intelligence | / | 10/15/2023 12:00:00 AM | | |
Distributed adaptive observer-based output formation-containment control for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with unknown inputs | 101011382张亚,温耀耀,08017315陈国浠,101011386陈杨杨 | IET Control Theory & Applications | | | | |
A Novel Model of Mimic Defense Based on Minimal L-Order Error Probability | 08017315陈国浠,57118323时光,101011021陈立全,57118316何潇远,57118317姜盛懋 | IEEE Access | | | | |
An Event-Triggered X2-Detector for Cyber-Physical Systems under False Data Injection Attacks | 08017315陈国浠,101011382张亚 | The 16th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2020) | | | | |
海岸带植被三种生物性状变化对消浪效果的影响 | 21417107王奕然,刘硕,101011217徐宿东 | 中国水运 | | | | |
基于倾向得分匹配法分析拥堵收费对房价的影响——以伦敦为例 | 21017113陈思源,21117123宁俊屹,21717110谭悦甜 | 江苏交通科技 | | | | |
建筑思想下道路景观设计方向探讨 | 21717207陆芽芽 | 城市建筑 | | | | |
大跨高墩曲线刚构桥日照温度效应参数敏感性研究 | 21717207陆芽芽 | 城市建筑 | | | | |
Polarization-Controlled Dual-Programmable... | 张信歌,04017424于千,101011426蒋卫祥,61516309孙雅伦,柏林,王强,仇成伟,101010072崔铁军 | Advanced Science | | | | |
Achievable Rate Performance of Broadcast OMC | 101011763党建,04017419高佳峻,101010669张在琛,101011764吴亮,101012567朱秉诚 | 2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps) | | | | |
低旁瓣波导缝隙天线阵列的设计 | 马莉,04017212李牧阳 | UCMMT2020 | | | | |
基于深度学习的足球机器人视觉识别方法 | 08017104封泽,04217751张逸帆 | 工业控制计算机 | | | | |
Infrared-controlled programmable metasurface | 61516309孙雅伦,张信歌,04017424于千,101011426蒋卫祥,101010072崔铁军 | Science Bulletin | | | | |
Neural Network Based AMP | 04017543孙蒙江 | Electronics | | | | |
Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO system | 04017243冀贞昊 | ISIPS2019 | | | | |
(中文名)基于语音情感的心理咨询与性格分析算法研究 | 04017645洪兆金,04217749魏晨阳,04217707庄媛,04217704王影,04217709王祎庭 | ICAIS 2020 | | | | |
28GHz毫米波接收机模块设计与验证 | 04017232杨光,郑司斗,王晨,04017230邵林,04017242郭瑜欣,04017643宋香凝 | 全国第十八届微波集成电路与移动通信学术会议 | | | | |
Rate Analysis of Intensity Modulated Broadcast Optical Mobile Communication System With User Mobility | 04017419高佳峻,101011763党建,101010669张在琛,101011764吴亮 | IEEE Photonics Journal | | | | |
信息技术在市县级气象业务中的应用 | 04217752王个 | 科学与技术 | | 10/12/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
A Load Balancing based Resource Allocation Algorithm in UAV-aided MEC Systems | 04018121姜辰张,04018124李胤荣,04018110苏日昇,04018123肖镇江 | ICCC2020 | | 12/13/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
A Trajectory Planning Algorithm for Data Collection in UAV-aided Wireless Sensor Networks | 04018112韩潇,04018111杨文凯,04018122李明諹,04018133张霖平 | 2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) | | 12/11/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
Distributed Inverse Learning and Deflection-based Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Multimodal Functions | 04018304刘天祺,61518428张淼森 | IEEEICCSS2020 | | 11/13/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
基于MIMIC算法和RPGA的混合蚁群优化算法 | 官娟,04018304刘天祺,秦健,61518428张淼森 | 南京信息大学学报(自然科学版) | | 5/1/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
Acute toxicity and ecological risk assessment of 4,4’-dihydroxybenzophenone, 2,4,4’- trihydroxybenzophenone and 4-MBC in ultraviolet (UV)-filters | 03218701韩婧,03214746秦泽天,张静,王文强,邬静雅,101012231陆勇泽,101011684孙丽伟 | PLOS ONE | SCI(科学引文索引) | 4/8/2021 12:00:00 AM | | |
disaster detector on twitter using bidirectional encoder representation from transformers with keyword position information | 王子涵,朱韬正,03317522麦世策 | 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology | / | 7/1/2020 12:00:00 AM | | |
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